Cookie Policy

As ”NORMFEED AQUACULTURE FEED INDUSTRY TRADE JOINT STOCK COMPANY“ (referred to as ”COMPANY” or “) / on the website (“Site”), in the extensions of the site, our applications or similar online or offline media that we offer for your use in a digital environment (all these media together will be referred to as the “Platform”.) we use cookies, a number of technologies (“cookies”) to improve your experience during your use or visit.

The use of these technologies is carried out in accordance with the legislation we are subject to, in particular, the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“KVKK” or “Law”).

The purpose of this Cookie Policy is to provide you with information about personal data obtained due to the processing of personal data using cookies that are used during the use of the Platforms. For what purposes is this text used on our site and in our applications, what kind of

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